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LÉTO 2019

11. 2. 2019
Zdravíme všechny táborové nadšence!

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Těšíme se na letošní táborovou spolupráci.
Za organizační tým táborů MÚZA
Veronika Švecová,
hlavní vedoucí


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DavidJap - Ukraine sees room for compromise, as 20000 escape Mariupol - The Associated Press - en EspaГ±ol

7. 4. 2022 21:46

<img src="https://storage.googleapis.com/afs-prod/media/1e31d7f1b7be4b1c8dc0f2485e8a48b8/3000.jpeg"> Ukraine sees room for compromise, as 20000 escape MariupolThe Associated Press - en EspaГ±ol plsHelpUkraine04202207

DavidJap - Opinion | What Is Putin Really After in Ukraine? - The New York Times

7. 4. 2022 20:36

<img src="https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/03/29/opinion/29Stephens/merlin_203119410_926791ef-f7ff-49dd-9ef1-c2cbc018e38f-facebookJumbo.jpg"> Opinion | What Is Putin Really After in Ukraine?The New York Times plsHelpUkraine04202207

DavidJap - Thousands of goods railcars stuck at Ukraine's border as war hits exports - Reuters

7. 4. 2022 19:27

<img src="https://www.reuters.com/resizer/cztV2zy79P9CG0_OqakQVSd21D0=/1200x628/smart/filters:quality(80)/cloudfront-us-east-2.images.arcpublishing.com/reuters/GVPDTJSYYBKTZPGH3J7OEOZW7I.jpg"> Thousands of goods railcars stuck at Ukraine's border as war hits exportsReuters plsHelpUkraine04202207

DavidJap - Inside President Biden's often impulsive approach to the war in Ukraine - The Washington Post

7. 4. 2022 18:19

<img src="https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/BFMFI3FNFYI6ZCUOTRXJ7R5A3Y.jpg&amp;w=1440"> Inside President Biden's often impulsive approach to the war in UkraineThe Washington Post plsHelpUkraine04202207

RobertArelo - Самое Интересное

7. 4. 2022 17:52


DavidJap - The Russia-Ukraine war through the eyes of a teenager - Al Jazeera English

7. 4. 2022 17:05

<img src="https://www.aljazeera.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/16.jpg?resize=1200%2C630"> The Russia-Ukraine war through the eyes of a teenagerAl Jazeera English plsHelpUkraine04202207

DavidJap - Here’s What Happened on Day 33 of the War in Ukraine - The New York Times

7. 4. 2022 15:56

<img src="https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/03/28/multimedia/28ukraine-blog-promo-10p/28ukraine-blog-zelensky-address-SUB-facebookJumbo.jpg"> Here’s What Happened on Day 33 of the War in UkraineThe New York Times plsHelpUkraine04202207

DavidJap - Ukraine War: Putin demands Mariupol surrender to end shelling - BBC.com

7. 4. 2022 15:26

<img src="https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/branded_news/43DE/production/_123947371_gettyimages-1239530517.jpg"> Ukraine War: Putin demands Mariupol surrender to end shellingBBC.com plsHelpUkraine04202207

DavidJap - Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine: G7 foreign ministers' statement, 7 April 2022 - GOV.UK

7. 4. 2022 14:54

<img src="https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/image_data/file/147354/s960_G7_Foreign_Ministers_Brussels_Apr_2022.jpg"> Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine: G7 foreign ministers' statement, 7 April 2022GOV.UK plsHelpUkraine04202207

DavidJap - Ukrainian officials begin urging evacuations amid reports of new attacks in east - The Washington Post

7. 4. 2022 14:09

<img src="https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/O4GPZDVVDMI6ZA2YECVBMNK7WQ.jpg&amp;w=1440"> Ukrainian officials begin urging evacuations amid reports of new attacks in eastThe Washington Post plsHelpUkraine04202207

DavidJap - Opinion | Stories From the Siege of Mariupol, Ukraine - The New York Times

7. 4. 2022 13:41

<img src="https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/04/06/multimedia/06mariupol-project_7/06mariupol-project_7-facebookJumbo.jpg"> Opinion | Stories From the Siege of Mariupol, UkraineThe New York Times plsHelpUkraine04202207

DavidJap - Live updates: Ukraine: Plant staff forced to record address - The Associated Press - en EspaГ±ol

7. 4. 2022 12:49

<img src="https://storage.googleapis.com/afs-prod/media/82de1a4d5dcd49c8ace71068cbe697ca/3000.jpeg"> Live updates: Ukraine: Plant staff forced to record addressThe Associated Press - en EspaГ±ol plsHelpUkraine04202207

DavidJap - Opinion | In Putin’s War on Ukraine, Expect the Unexpected - The New York Times

7. 4. 2022 12:14

<img src="https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/03/15/opinion/15friedmanSub/15friedmanSub-facebookJumbo.jpg"> Opinion | In Putin’s War on Ukraine, Expect the UnexpectedThe New York Times plsHelpUkraine04202207

DavidJap - Ukraine War: Putin demands Mariupol surrender to end shelling - BBC.com

7. 4. 2022 8:56

<img src="https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/branded_news/43DE/production/_123947371_gettyimages-1239530517.jpg"> Ukraine War: Putin demands Mariupol surrender to end shellingBBC.com plsHelpUkraine04202207

DavidJap - What Happened on Day 14 of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine - The New York Times

7. 4. 2022 7:26

<img src="https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/04/09/world/09ukraine-blog-header-promo-SE1/merlin_203538099_e118c7ef-7e14-4b2b-8260-6e5cb8ebce09-articleLarge.jpg"> What Happened on Day 14 of Russia's Invasion of UkraineThe New York Times plsHelpUkraine04202207

DavidJap - What Happened on Day 14 of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine - The New York Times

7. 4. 2022 6:15

<img src="https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/04/09/world/09ukraine-blog-header-promo-SE1/merlin_203538099_e118c7ef-7e14-4b2b-8260-6e5cb8ebce09-articleLarge.jpg"> What Happened on Day 14 of Russia's Invasion of UkraineThe New York Times plsHelpUkraine04202207

DavidJap - Right-wing militias backing the Ukraine military - The Washington Post

7. 4. 2022 4:56

<img src="https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://d1i4t8bqe7zgj6.cloudfront.net/04-05-2022/t_9c31ea5a3aa54884a685d315479c8392_name_4913d468_b518_11ec_8358_20aa16355fb4_scaled.jpg&amp;w=1440"> Right-wing militias backing the Ukraine militaryThe Washington Post plsHelpUkraine04202207

DavidJap - Peace proposals ‘verbally’ accepted by Moscow, except on Crimea, says Ukraine – as it happened - The Guardian

7. 4. 2022 3:50

<img src="https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/fcdf6293960bf71316e571c0dd7a6ba9d5412baa/0_108_3829_2298/master/3829.jpg?width=1200&height=630&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&overlay-align=bottom%2Cleft&overlay-width=100p&overlay-base64=L2ltZy9zdGF0aWMvb3ZlcmxheXMvdGctbGl2ZS5wbmc&enable=upscale&s=37c1ea3ef5038907249118c24b481d61"> Peace proposals ‘verbally’ accepted by Moscow, except on Crimea, says Ukraine – as it happenedThe Guardian plsHelpUkraine04202207

DavidJap - No clear end to Ukraine war, say US and European officials - The Washington Post

7. 4. 2022 2:44

<img src="https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/T4IKQJ4H2JB2VFZBCPJIY4QNHA.jpg&amp;w=1440"> No clear end to Ukraine war, say US and European officialsThe Washington Post plsHelpUkraine04202207

DavidJap - Zelenskyy says wants Ukraine to become a ‘big Israel’ - Al Jazeera English

7. 4. 2022 1:37

<img src="https://www.aljazeera.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/AP22080759550384.jpg?resize=1200%2C630"> Zelenskyy says wants Ukraine to become a ‘big Israel’Al Jazeera English plsHelpUkraine04202207